A Bicycle for the Mind…and B2B Marketing Analytics

Nearly 40 years ago, in a 1984 Newsweek article, Steve Jobs famously compared computers to “a bicycle for the mind,” making a notable comparison between the tools we use to amplify our physical abilities and our mental abilities. Just as the bicycle allows humans to become orders of magnitude more efficient, the computer makes a breadth of difficult tasks easier, taking us “far beyond our inherent abilities.


This metaphor not only became iconic, but it stands the test of time. In fact, it’s one that constantly propels us forward at Octane11. Keeping pace with today’s dizzying B2B landscape and navigating the complexity of data require greater levels of efficiency than ever before. Our goal at Octane11 is to help you manage your data with more agility, speed the time to valuable insights, accelerate decision making, and ensure your marketing and sales function is performing with maximum efficiency.

A bicycle helps us get farther than we would on foot, and similarly, Octane11’s B2B analytics platform synthesizes, enriches, and standardizes all of your marketing and sales data significantly faster and more efficiently than a data engineer could do on their own. As a reminder, data engineers and scientists spend 45% of their time just wrangling the data and nearly 80% of their time cleaning data, but Octane11 automates this process, acting as your data transformation layer that accomplishes this in just a few clicks. 


Furthermore, turning data into actionable insights manually is not only time consuming, but also prone to error and inconsistency – and risks being outdated quickly. When you use Octane11, you can easily access high-level insights or drill into specific details about a  given campaign, channel, or account – in real-time, helping you understand your strongest revenue opportunities, share accurate intelligence across departments, and make decisions with confidence…at a fraction of the time and cost of developing a home grown analytics function.


A bicycle also isn’t one-size-fits-all. Professional cyclists will customize their bicycles to precisely fit their needs, goals, and bodies. Similarly, every B2B enterprise has unique data needs, a custom tech stack, and distinct marketing objectives. Whether you want to leverage your existing data warehouse or ELT/ETL system for data ingestion, or export data to the business intelligence platform of your choice, your implementation of Octane11 is designed to suit your business and your team’s needs. 


Few compare to the legendary Steve Jobs and the remarkable impact he’s had on our society. And while the abilities of today’s computers are a far cry from the first iMac, he set in motion a new way of thinking about human ability, innovation, performance, and efficiency. If you’re looking to set in motion a giant step forward in your B2B marketing and analytics efforts, Octane11 can help. 

To learn more about how Octane11 can drive your B2B marketing efforts forward, schedule a demo at www.octane11.com/book-a-demo today!